Wednesday, July 26, 2006

some handspun and STR

The amazing beauty of anything Blue Moon!!!!

This is STR, colour Covelite, and I love it so much I ordered enough of the heavyweight STR to make a sweater... ;-)

The purples and coppers are unbelievable...

this is Blue Moon's Blue Faced Leicester in colour Carbon Dating. It's about 200 yards and I have more to spin up, so I think it's going to be a poncho in the convertible lace stitch from

And this is some merino painted by Heike, plied with a green romeldale cross fibre from Reflection Farm. Both are very yummy and I'm tickled with them together... don't know what it'll be, but I think I have enough for a shawl.

peace, and happy knitting and spinning!

And good luck to our friend Cindi who's taking the bar exam!


Saturday, July 01, 2006

Chapman Springs STR

here's STR's Chapman Springs colourway. The sock has a jaywalker
top and a plain foot... I think this is my favourite colourway yet!

When did my Anna get so gray???

And Druid, trying to absorb some sun in the morning
peace, and happy knitting,